Web Agency

Brand acquired in 2012, Comunicazione 21 develops corporate communication strategies, from graphic design and custom website development to digital marketing.

icona del servizio di branding di comunicazione 21

Graphic Design

Development of corporate brand identities: coordinated, homogeneous and recognizable images. The score is to express in words and images the spirit of the company.

icona del servizio di copywriting di comunicazione 21


Creation of high-quality web content that is useful and interesting for users, while also being easily trackable by search engines.

icona del servizio di sviluppo siti di comunicazione 21

Website and E-commerce

Design and development of institutional websites, catalog sites, e-commerce platforms, landing pages without losing sight of the user experience.

icona del servizio di social media marketing di comunicazione 21

Digital Marketing

It helps amplify interaction between users and the company by using all the tools that the web provides: website, social media channels, e-mail.

icona del servizio di search engine optimization di comunicazione 21

Search Engine Optimization

It refine the website structure, its code and SEO oriented content, to enhance search engine positioning that ensure greater visibility.

icona del servizio di foto shooting di comunicazione 21

Photography and Video editing

We design and produce creative shots, institutional and emotional corporate videos up to product videos for the web.

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