The AI integration that rivolutionizes business management systems

Job Informatica’s latest innovative product: an efficient integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
into corporate management system.

icona che rappresenta la privacy dell'intelligenza artificiale usata da wallai

Data privacy

We make sure that the data are not directly used or exposed externally.

icona che rappresental'adattabilità dell'intelligenza artificiale usata da wallai

Speed and adaptability

By leveraging cutting-edge AI, it consistently provides real-time updates on corporate data, ensuring businesses instant access to the latest information.

icona che rappresenta il dinamismo dell'intelligenza artificiale usata da wallai

Dynamism and Immediacy

The system continues to collect and analyze the structure of corporate data, drastically reducing processing and learning times.

icona che rappresenta l'interfaccia intuitiva dell'intelligenza artificiale usata da wallai

Intuitive interface

With its intuitive interface, companies can integrate it in their systems without interrupting the activities, maximazing AI’s benefits.

icona che rappresenta la contestualizzazione dei dati nell'intelligenza artificiale usata da wallai


The system goes beyond the mere preparation of raw data, providing in-dept analysis and interpretation, allowing companies to acquire detailed and meaningful information.

icona che rappresenta la potenza dell'intelligenza artificiale usata da wallai

Analytical power

Through its powerful analytical capability, it allows companies to save time and resources, reducing data extraction and search requests by dedicated personnel by up to 80%.

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